29 September, 2012

Back to Top Blogger gadget

Back to Top blogger gadget/widget is a simple trick to return to the top of a blog post. It does not use any javascript or jquery.

How to use?

1. Copy the following code:
<a rel="nofollow" style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:10px;right:5px;" href="#" title="Back to Top"><img src="Back-to-Top-Image-URL "/></a>

Replace Img URL with the URL of your image file.

2. Login to Blogger. Go to Layout.
3. Select Add a gadget
4. Paste the above code in the space.
5. Save > Save arrangement.
6. Done.

Here are few images which you can use. Upload them to Picasa or any other photo sharing website and copy paste the URL here.

07 September, 2012

Best IP Address Locators

Here is a list of IP Address locators to find out the location of your own or someone else's IP address.
Please note that IP address can be changed and the geolocation accuracy is never 100%. At most these services can tell you the near most location.

06 September, 2012

Easter Egg in WinRAR

WinRAR the most popular file compression utility, has a little Easter egg.

Easter eggs in software are messages, videos, graphics, sound effects, added game levels, new characters in games or an unusual change in program behavior that sometimes occur in software in response to some undocumented set of commands, mouse clicks, keystrokes or other stimuli intended as a joke or to display program credits.

In WinRAR go to the "Help Menu" and select the "About WinRAR" option.

Now click on the WinRAR file.
It will bounce up and down with a thumping sound each time it hits the bottom.
Turn on your speakers ON.

How to archive multiple files to separate archives

If you have several hundred files and you want to put each one of them into it's own archive WinRAR can really be useful.

Here is how to do it:

How to create software installer using WinRAR

Installer is a software program which make it convenient for us to install software on our system. When a software is installed three kinds of changes are brought about in the system :-

  1. File System changes
  2. Registry changes and 
  3. Drivers and services.
There are several software installers available on internet like - NSIS, Innosetup, GhostScript.
However you can also use one of the most popular file compression program WinRAR for this job. 

Here is the step-by-step procedure to do it: