15 May, 2010

How To Find Number Of Entries Greater Than A Given Value

We will use the "COUNTIF" function for this. Here is the definition of the "COUNTIF" function according to MS Office Help file:

COUNTIF - counts the number of cells within a given range(table,row or column) that meet the given criteria."

Thus COUNTIF will give you the number of cells which are greater than, less than or equal to(or a combination of these conditions) a number specified by you.

You can use COUNTIF to find number of entries greater or less  than a given value.
Here is the Step by step instructions on how to use "COUNTIF" function:-

Step 1. Suppose you have the given set of numbers.

Step 2. Now in a blank cell put this formula:=COUNTIF(A1:A9,">=0")

This formula will return the number of cells from the range "A1" to "A9" which are greater than 0.

Step 3. Hit the Enter key

Step 4. You should now get the correct answer; if you are following the
above numbers the answer will be "5"

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